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FMD in Brussels


FMD in Brussels

FMD in Brussels


Telecentre Europe is an international non-profit organisation that collects and shares experiences of all the national associations working in the field of digital inclusion.
Telecentre Europe organised two annual meetings. The General Assembly is dedicated to all the network members, while the Annual conference addresses a wider audience.
The General Assembly that is currently being held in Brussels includes one delegate from each Telecentre Europe memeber. Each delegate has the right to vote on all the activities under discussion. Barbara Quarta, Plannnig and Development Manager participates on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The kick-off event for Project E-UROPa “Enabling European e-Participation will also be held tomorrow in Brussels. The project aims to raise citizen awareness on the opportunity to participate in European policy making on-line. Telecentre Europe coordinates the project in collaboration with twelve of its members, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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