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An Efficient LinkedIn Profile

Alessia Pontiggia

An Efficient LinkedIn Profile

An Efficient LinkedIn Profile

Alessia describes how she found work thanks to preparation, passion, and useful advice.

After finishing high school with a specialization in international relations for marketing, Alessia discovered a deep passion for language that led her to study English, German and Spanish at university, graduating in December 2022. "Languages are the key with which to open the doors of the world," says Alessia with a smile.

However, her thirst for knowledge was not quenched with her degree. She continued with a master's degree in Deutsch für die internationale Wirtschaftskommunikation at the Catholic University, completing her studies in December 2023. Alongside her studies, Alessia gained work experience in the Market and Business Development team of the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce in Milan.

Last year, Alessia decided to participate in LinkedIn -  Skills for Recovery, an experience that proved crucial for her professional career.

“The course helped me get my current job,” Alessia confides. “In fact, I found my job through LinkedIn, so having a well-maintained profile played a key role.”

Since March, Alessia has been Sales Development Representative for the DACH Area in a company. After the course, her presence on LinkedIn became more efficient and professional, with the introduction of hashtags in posts and a more accurate presentation of her profile. And this was crucial to finding a job. "I feel optimistic and more aware of my strengths and weaknesses," says Alessia. "I improved my description, my profile photo, and asked for references," she says, underlining the importance of a strategic on-line presence.

Alessia also noticed a significant improvement in managing job interviews, attributing the credit to the training she received. “The more prepared you are, the better you are at interviews.”

The most significant moment was her meeting with a LinkedIn expert. Alessia and Alice Paoloni, Senior Account Executive at LinkedIn, met on March 5th for an individual coaching session. A truly unique opportunity to receive valuable advice and optimize her LinkedIn profile. The meeting, Alessia says, helped her to outline her professional goals. In the short term, she would like to gain experience and become increasingly competent in her current job, with the aspiration of being promoted to the position of team leader. In the long term, she dreams of becoming Head of Sales in an important company.

With a clear vision of the future and the skills she has acquired, Alessia Pontiggia is ready to leave her mark on the digital world, one client at a time, and with the knowledge that a well-crafted LinkedIn profile can open unexpected doors.

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