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Edu Tech 2012


Edu Tech 2012

Edu Tech 2012


Edu Tech 2012 was organized by the Fondazione Idis and held at the Naples Città della Scienza (March 28-29). During the event, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale presented two of its most prominent projects Nonni SUD Internet (a digital literacy plan for elders in southern Italy) and Educational Robotics, including the network agreement and the new didactic kit that was recently presented at the RomeCup 2012 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome.
On March 28, Celestino Rocco, Headmaster at the Secondo Circolo Didattico in Eboli, entertained participants and visitors with the dancing robots, category winners at RomeCup 2012.
On March 29, Michele Baldi, didactic robotics expert, presented the educational robotics manuals developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for use in schools and showed some practical applications to the interested professors.
Alfonso Molina, FMD Scientific Director and Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh, also participated as a speaker in the conference: “Native Digitals, Learning and New Technologies”.

Paola Guillaro, New Technologies Manager at USR Campania, explains the importance of the event:

Mario Campanino, Didactic Innovation Projects and Activities Manager at the Fondazione Itis, talks about the development of Edu Tech:



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