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E. Reawakening

Dig4All, una storia di resilienza e trasformazione
Foto di Orna da Pixabay

E. Reawakening

E. Reawakening

Dig4All: a story about resilience and transformation.

Psychologist Lorenza Magurno, a tutor for the Fondazione L’Albero della vita in Milan, lead partner of Project Dig4All, provides us with a nice story about profound change. The protagonist is a young student who lived an isolated life for many years, locked up in his own house.

Here is the story, an efficient synthesis of the impact of the project funded by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (Onlife Call) addressing the reskilling and upskilling of 240 NEETs.   

E. is an eighteen-year-old who has always suffered from his social anxiety. For years, his house provided a safe haven, while every attempt to step out and meet others ended up with a terrible panic attack. E.’s life was identical, day in and day out. He lived in his room, far removed from real life.

In November 2023, following a recommendation by his psychologist and with a touch of hope, E. decided to enrol in an on-line digital training course organised by Project Dig4All. He wasn’t certain he’d be able to keep up with the pace, meet deadlines, and interact with the tutors in Milan, but the constant support provided by his psychologist and the flexibility of the course gave him the courage to try it out.

The first days were difficult. Each on-line meeting was a battle against himself. Then, a little bit at a time, E. began participating more actively, finding a growing interest in the digital modules that provided him with unexpected strength.

Over the months, E. underwent an increasingly noticeable transformation. He never missed a lesson. He was always punctual and completed all his assignments diligently. What initially seemed impossible had become reality. E. was overcoming his limits, day after day.

When the project reached the employment support phase, E. was ready. He had attended all the lessons, passed the tests, and sent out various job applications. The most surprising event was his job with Adecco, which required an interview. For those who know him, this seemed an insurmountable obstacle, but E. surprised us all. He proved that the right support and a true will to do something can make the difference. And his story is not just about a personal triumph, but an example of how barriers – no matter how mighty – can be overcome through courage and perseverance.

Today, E. is no longer the young man who lived in a dark room, a prisoner of his own anxiety. He is a young adult that looks to the future with hope and is ready to grasp opportunities. His story with Project Dig4ALL is witness to the power of resilience and personal transformation.

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