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Digital Skills for Daily Life

Le competenze digitali per la vita quotidiana

Digital Skills for Daily Life

Digital Skills for Daily Life

The agreement with the Calabrian municipality of Rocella Jonica is operative.

The "Digital Skills for Daily Life" meeting is scheduled for today, Wednesday, April 26 (4:00 to 6:00 pm) at the former Convento dei Minimi to kick off the agreement between the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Municipality of Rocella Jonica, in the province of Reggio Calabria. The town, located on the beautiful Calabrian coast, has just over 6000 residents and is administered by Mayor Vittorio Zito.

The operational agreement calls for the Calabrian Municipality and FMD to collaborate on the creation of an ecosystem with hybrid alliances to "answer the challenge of youth unemployment, which is fundamental to drive the economic recovery and enhance the role of educational communities (schools, families, local subjects), making them inclusive and responsible."

Specific objectives of the agreement include:

  • Promotion and dissemination of innovative training programs to introduce residents to the 21st century knowledge society.
  • Dissemination of training programmes for local youth to orient them towards future careers.
  • Promotion and dissemination of programmes through the services network of the Municipality of Roccella Jonica, including institutional and social channels.

Agreement targets include youth, civil servants and residents in a condition of fragility (unemployed, unemployed and in search of professional retraining).

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