2 min.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in collaboration with the Municipality of Pinerolo and the Confederazione Nazionale dell'artigianato PENSIONATI EPASA di Pinerolo (Turin) announce their first “Grandparent on the Internet” Course: Digital literacy for overe sixties with the students at the IIS Buniva school.
Promoting digital skills and social inclusion are amongst the objectives of the Italian Digital Agenda. It is in this context that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD), in collaboration with the Municipality of Pinerolo and the Confederazione nazionale dell’artigianato Pensionati EPASA (CNA Pinerolo), is promoting the Grandparents on the Internet digital literacy programme.
The course that will be held by students at the IIS Buniva school in Pinerolo will begin with the new academic year. Elder citizens will learn how to use a PC and related new technologies to enjoy the use e-mail, the Internet and on-line public administration services. The Municipality's Culture Department will provide a multimedia laboratory for the course.
Thanks to the inter-generational learning model promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in 13 Italian regions and 8 European countries through ten editions of the “Grandparents on the Internet” Project, over 16,000 elders have learned to use new technologies under the guidance of 13,000 student tutors and 1150 coordinating teachers.
Grandparents on the Internet: a didactic kit with manuals for tutors, elders and teachers; video lessons; computer recycling laboratories; knowledge volunteer network; digital literacy week; didactic credits for and much, much more.