The adventure of Project H2020 MaTHiSiS - Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS ends with the publication of the results of the third and final testing phase (October – December 2018).
The third phase involved 150 students with special needs (ages 3-19) and over 100 teachers, psychologists and tutors who used the educational platform for both curricular and extracurricular didactic contexts in Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.
During this final phase, MaTHiSiS was tested in 15 public and private schools, 3 centres specialised in learning and autistic spectrum disorders and 2 organisations.
The objective of the test was to gather feedback on the MaTHiSiS Platform from end users (teachers and students) and evaluate its impact on learning and the relation between moods and learning. The innovative nature of the platform is based on the possibility of custom-tailoring on specific student interaction characteristics: answer time, correctness and the interpretation of three emotional states (involvement, boredom, frustration).
The video describes the operation of the platform and its applications in a didactic context.