Professor Franco Lorenzoni, founder of the Cenci Centre for Didactic Experimentation, remembers Tullio De Mauro as a person who “crossed boundaries” on, together with Emma Castelnuovo. “The reason is simple,” explains Lorenzoni, “both, although profoundly loving their fields, always questioned how and how much learning a language or mathematics could help to make the world a fairer place.”
“Tullio De Mauro was above all one who crossed boundaries. [...] As a young teacher, I first met him in Florence at the beginning of the eighties at a conference he had organised with Carlo Bernardini, with whom he had collaborated on an experimental educational project at a kindergarten in Scandicci. I was fascinated by the many links they revealed between the two cultures, and which was passionately exposed years late in a book (“Contare e Raccontare”).
Crossing Boundaries
Remembering Tullio De Mauro, five years after his passing
Franco Lorenzoni, January 8, 2021