According to data released by the Rome Council, out of 286,000 enterprises, 191,000 operate in the sectors that were blocked during the lockdown, while 74.000 were closed during the second phase of the pandemic. During the first phase, the enterprises blocked by the pandemic accounted for 61% of manufacturing enterprises, 76% of building companies, 88% of retail, 94% of restaurants and tourist services and 100% of all arts, sports and entertainment activities.
How can we recover after the pandemic? How should we promote “Made in Rome” and “Made in Italy” abroad? The Roma Capital Department for Economic Development and Labour is launching its first Civic Challenge as part of the Roma Smart City Plan. Next Wednesday, July 14, from 11 am to 1 pm, local companies will work on the identification of strategies and tools to integrate the quality of the “Made in Rome” brand with e-commerce models for high quality products and services [see news: Civic Challenge].
The worktables will be open to public and private agencies, enterprises, third sector organisations and all citizens. Everyone is invited to participate in the identification of priorities, needs, innovative ideas and civic participation.
To participate in the work groups, you will need to register and select a group:
- Food Industry and Craftsmanship
- Restaurants and Tourist Services
1st Challenge: How to Promote “Made in Rome” and “Made in Italy” abroad?
July 14, 2021, 11 am -1 pm
Live stream: Binario F Facebook Page
The Civic Challenges promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia are part of Programme Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100 developed for Binario F.
There will be six challenges in as many Italian cities to jointly develop local digital transformation and the recovery of social and productive networks following the pandemic. A final paper will document the main proposals advanced at the local level to develop a collective vision for national recovery.