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Creative Days: Double Appointment with Roll Cloud

Roll Cloud nell'area X

Creative Days: Double Appointment with Roll Cloud

Creative Days: Double Appointment with Roll Cloud

The project with schools in Piedmont ends with two challenges

The third edition of Project Roll Cloud – Working in the Cloud will end with two creative days. The innovative course that introduces lower and upper secondary school students in Piedmont to the cloud and the professions of the future has involved ca. 3000 young men and women this year. Promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, is part of Opening Future, a joint project organised by Google CloudIntesa Sanpaolo, and  TIM Enterprise, which is dedicated to the development of digital skills.

Over the course of the year, FMD trainers and professionals from partner companies coached lower and upper secondary school students in Piedmont on a creative challenge addressing the enabling technology of the cloud, helping them develop digital products (videos, blogs, websites, and video games). They analysed cloud services and imagined possible improvements. They met with business experts, participated in orientation sessions and creative challenges to discover new job profiles and future scenarios related to technology and, in particular, cloud computing. Now, along with their coaches, the students will work in groups on a new challenge on sustainability that will only be revealed at the event. At the end of the joint work session, the teams will present their products to a jury of experts.

The creative challenge days will take place in Turin’s Area X. April 18 will be reserved for students in lower secondary school and the first two-years of upper secondary school, while May 9 is for students in the last three years of upper secondary school.

64 students have been accredited for the first date. They will be divided into 13 groups, corresponding to the number of projects selected among the 62 submitted. They will be accompanied by 11 professors and supported by five business experts (1 from TIM Enterprise, 2 from Intesa Sanpaolo, 2 from Google Cloud) and two FMD coaches (Antonio Succi and Monica Cauduro).

Participating Schools

The Roll Cloud Programme

  • CLOUD ROLL TALK – A one-and-a-half-hour interactive webinar on technological development scenarios, the cloud, and the main professions related to it. Each webinar will feature the participation of an expert from one of the three partner companies.
  • ROLL TALK -  A one-and-a-half-hour appointment in which Intesa Sanpaolo coaches will guide students in an orientation and soft skills session.
  • SELF-AWARENESS SESSION FOR STUDENTS IN THE LAST THREE YEARS OF UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL - A two-hour meeting featuring the Personal Ecosystem Canvas (PEC), an online self-reflection tool that allows each student to evaluate their strengths and skills, to define personal and professional growth objectives, and monitor them over the course of time. 
  • INDPENDENT LEARNING SESSION - Students learn about cloud-related professions through content available on the FMD Academy.
  • EASY CLOUD STORY - Students undertake a creative challenge on the enabling technology of the cloud by creating digital products: podcasts, videos, blogs, websites, and video games.
  • CREATIVE DAY - The teams with the best projects, selected by a jury, will participate in a creative day at Area X in Turin, with experts from partner companies and coaches. The project is valid for 30 PCTO hours.

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