CodyTrip is an initiative started by Digit srl, a spin-off from the University of Urbino, developed with the patronage of Save the Children, Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Grey Panthers.
For the first time, CodyTrip allowed schools throughout Italy to participate actively in a major international event. After the success of the on-line school trips to Urbino, Florence, Turin, Puglia and Napoli, the new school year has begun with anew exciting two-day on-line adventure at the “Salone del Libro,” the bookfair in Turin! [see press releasse]
In total, 1277 classes from 679 cities registered for a grand total of 28,155 children in primary and first-degree secondary school, who participated along with teachers and their families. Over the course of the two days, over 64,000 people participated, connecting over 10,000 different devices. The event organised a total of 722 minutes of live stream over the two-day event.
The CodyTrippers were given the opportunity to visit the fair as protagonists, exploring it before it opened to the public with special guides, making collaborative decisions, participating in cartoon and coding labs, interacting with publishers and authors, perusing the stands, interviewing international authors, collecting autographs and giving interviews to young bloggers.
“CodyTrip allowed us to share this extraordinary privilege with schools throughout Italy,” explains Alessandro Bogliolo, who conceived and organised the project. “We must thank the fair organisers, Turismo Torino and the Pinacoteca Agnelli. The deeper meaning of CodyTrip is to use digital technology to provide exclusive cultural experiences.”
“I believe that the success of CodyTrip gives meaning to the term enabling technology,” concludes Bogliolo. “The digital platform that we developed, which is called ActiveViewer, is so simple that it allows anyone to enjoy these experiences without even noticing the technology.”