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Beyond Sales

Webidoo Store, tra i casi di successo presentati all'evento di Milano di Job Digital Lab

Beyond Sales

Beyond Sales

Job Digital Lab: exploring new solutions to involve clients.

Located in the heart of Milan, Webidoo Store  is not only a shop specializing in technology, from hi-tech gadgets to smart solutions for the home and office, but it is also an experiential space, where it is possible to try the products before purchasing and receive advice from a team of experts.

Eudata is specialised in technological solutions to improve interaction with clients. The company uses GenAI daily as an aide to solve problems of all types, even doubts and curiosities.

LiberActa is an innovative start-up that develops digital solutions based on blockchain and service architecture to introduce disruption in current B2C business models and in various areas. Their strong point is Customer Loyalty.

Webidoo StoreEudata and LiberActa are three Milanese success cases that will be presented at the first local event of the fourth edition of Project Job Digital Lab, promoted with Ing Italia. The appointment is next Wednesday, January 24 at Palazzo Giurenconsulti (14.30 - 17.00). 

The meeting is organised in collaboration with the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce “Punto Impresa Digitale” and Assintel

The training session addresses SMEs that wish to learn more about the activities and tools that will help them manage post-sales and create a lasting relationship with their clients. The main tools available – from mail marketing to social networks and GenAI – will be addressed.

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