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Becoming Visible



Rome, 20 June 2013
Dear Friends,
I am sorry that I can’t be with you today, but I have institutional appointments that must be attended to.
The media often report on racist occurrences that take place during sports events or against footballers only because of the colour of their skin of their country of origin.
However, sports can and must have a completely different vocation. They must teach us to respect both the rules and our opponents. Sports allow us to prove our true value through hard training and not just belonging to a group unfoundedly believed to be superior. Sports create teamwork, play and friendship, regardless of the specifics of each player. The integration trophy is a great way of practicing a uniting sport.
I strongly believe that a public debate must be opened on the issue of refugees.
Those who flee war, dictatorship and persecution and find safety in Italy are then beset by new difficulties. Asylum seekers live in a condition of limbo that is often far too long. Refugees experience isolation and invisibility and face the dissolution of a dream.
World Refugee Day 2013 is aptly called “I Am There”. It’s a way to make refugees visible, affirm their presence and underline their desire to interact positively with Italian society.
Involving schools is important to help young students come into contact with the world and its citizens, to teach tem about dramatic occurences and immigrants’ quest for liberty and justice. It means fighting fear, intolerance and learning how to become and feel citizens not only of Italy, but also of the world.
I hope you all have a nice, fruitful and enriching day,
Cécile Kyenge
Read the original message (in Italian)


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