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Artificial Intelligence and Gen Z

L'intelligenza artificiale e la generazione Z
Foto di Kohji Asakawa da Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence and Gen Z

Artificial Intelligence and Gen Z

We reported on the experience at the Istituto Tecnico Pacinotti in Taranto, but it is not the only in the area to experiment with the impact of AI at school. The professors and students at the Liceo scientifico Lentini in Mottola also participated in the educational sessions of Project Ital.IA Lab, promoted with Microsoft Italia and held by Prof. Gaetano Manzulli

Anna Smeraro, a support teacher at the school, shares her experience of this educational adventure with us.

The course was interesting and involved the professors in prominent but almost "new" issues. In particular, explains Smeraro, “Physics and mathematics professors integrated AI tools into their teaching. It has not yet been possible for me, but I am aware of the potential of AI for teaching, especially with special educational needs students.”

“AI opens the doors to a new world full of possibilities and challenges.” However, one crucial aspect must not be overlooked: our critical approach to AI. “We can't take it for granted,” says Smeraro. “It is important that everything works to our advantage. However, we need to acquire the necessary skills to use AI effectively, so that we can guide our students towards a future in which AI will truly be at the service of education.”

Artificial Intelligence and Gen Z

Professor Anna Smeraro is joined by Francesca Pagliara, a student at the Liceo Lentini in Mottola, who shares her enthusiasm and experience with artificial intelligence at school.

AI: A Ludic Learning Tool

Francesca explains how AI has become an integral part of school life: “Putting what I learned during the courses into practice was useful, but also fun. We created content and had fun.” AI does not only help with homework but is also a creative tool for the production of textual, video, and photographic content. Francesca used AI to create a video mix for a friend's 18th birthday, demonstrating how AI can be a versatile and accessible tool.

A Challenge for Professors 

Despite the students' enthusiasm, Francesca noticed that the professors encountered more difficulties. “Professors have a little more difficulty than us students. They struggle to understand it and integrate it into teaching. This is especially true for classical subjects such as philosophy, history, and Italian, in which AI integration represents a greater challenge."

An Ethical and Responsible Use of AI

Francesca also highlights the importance of an ethical use of AI, especially when it comes to generating images and videos. “They are useful, but they can also generate compromising, realistic images.” This marks the need for a critical and responsible approach to the use of generative technology.

AI and Future Goals

AI has had a significant impact on Francesca's goals. “I was inclined towards a career in mathematics, programming, or computer science. However, this project is driving me towards IT. The knowledge that AI will be dominant in the near future is influencing my career choice.”

A Message to Diffident Professors

Finally, Francesca invites teachers to "relax" and approach AI with an open mind. "AI needs to be understood. We simply need to calm down, understand, and seize this new opportunity that has been given to us.”

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