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Apps and Start-ups

Apps and Start-ups


They are the experts that help us understand the advantages of digitalization, who participate in Project Amongst Generations, thanks to a scholarship provided by Google. We have already introduced you Mattia (see Digital Strategist). Today, we will meet Giulia and Michele, who met the students and artisans at the IIS Silvio D'Arzo School in Montecchio Emilia last week. The video interview was filmed by Francesco Gioffreda, IT assistant.

Giulia Maria Rubino
Giulia, who graduated in Communications and Marketing for Non-Profits and Public Administration from Sapienza University in Rome, has worked for many NGOs, associations and public agencies throughout Europe and the Maghreb. After 8 years of academic and work experiences around the world, she returned home thanks to Project "Made in Italy: digital excellence."
"The experience as a Google Strategist at the Ragusa Chamber of Commerce provided me with the opportunity to return to Sicily,“ explains Giulia.
Michele Chietera
Michele was always enthusiastic about digital technology and web communication. After having graduated from the University of Parma, a life opportunity appeared thanks to a scholarship from “Made in Italy: digital excellence” promoted by Unioncamere and Google to promote the digitalization of SMEs and increase the export of goods made in Italy. As a Digital Marketing Manager at the Reggio Emilia Chamber of Commerce, Michele is responsible for raising awareness and providing strategic consultancy to Italian SMEs on the impact of the Internet on the economy and modern society and how to use web marketing tools to be competitive both locally and globally.
“I read everything I can find about web marketing and digital technology, whether it’s a book or a blog, about best practices or tools. I am well aware that in today’s dynamic world knowledge is generated directly by users and innovations only last a few weeks. The only way of guaranteeing results is to study and be constantly up-to-date. “You never stop learning,” explains Michele. The old adage is as pertinent as ever.
Based on the success of the first edition of Project Amongst Generations – United for Work, FMD, CNA Pensionati and Google have once again employed the intergenerational learning model to train adults and elders on new technology and create new job opportunities for the young.
The second edition involves four regions (Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Sicily and Veneto), 12 schools, 400 students and about 200 members of the Cna Pensionati. The project entails a true exchange of competences amongst younger and older generations. The former bring innovation and technology, while the latter provide a rich baggage of culture. The project is based on three fundamental elements: “made in Italy,” innovation and the exchange of knowledge.

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