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Amidst Victories and Defeats

Soccer agli auropei di robotica

Amidst Victories and Defeats

Amidst Victories and Defeats

Update on the European Robotics Championship in Croatia.

Yesterday, we shared the photos of Team Bob's Brains in the Rescue Simulation Category. At the end of the first day, the rescue robot programmed by Luca Montagner, Alberto Segato and Francesco Urbanetto from IIS Vito Volterra in San Donà di Piave (Ve), obtained the best score of the eight teams, ranking at the top of their category to the great satisfaction of their mentor, Prof. Fabrizio Vendramin.

In the Soccer Light Weight Category, Team Spqr1 from Itis Galileo Galilei in Rome, mentored by Professors Massimilano Manfrè and Paolo Ducci won three competitions. The students on the team are Vito Sorianello, Luca Dell'Aversana e Daniele Ricci.

As we wait for the next results, let’s review the fun during the final day of RomeCup at the Campidoglio (May 5) with this interview by Onelia Onorati to Vito who is now competing in Coratia with classmates Luca and Daniele.

Following the initial competitions, Team CarPa from IIS Piazza della Resistenza in Monterotondo (Rome) and IIS Pacinotti-Archimede, also in Rome, accompanied by Professors Paolo Torda and Giampaolo Pucci, and MegaHertz from IIS Cobianchi in Verbania with Prof. Raimondo Sgrò are having a few problems, but let’s see what happens.

Team Spqr1 receives an award at the Rome Campidoglio (2nd Place, Soccer)

Dopo le prime gare sono invece in difficoltà i team CarPa dell’IIS Piazza della Resistenza di Monterotondo (Roma) e IIS Pacinotti-Archimede di Roma, accompagnato dai docenti Paolo Torda e Giampaolo Pucci, e MegaHertz dell’IIS Cobianchi di Verbania con il docente Raimondo Sgrò. Ma aspettiamo i prossimi aggiornamenti.

Il team Spqr1 premiato in Campidoglio (2° posto nella categoria Soccer)

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