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After Seattle


After Seattle

After Seattle


The Microsoft YouthSpark Summit, which was held in Seattle (April 30 – May 2) hosted ca. 120 people from 28 countries representing the vast community of partners in the global programme that aims to create new learning and work opportunities for over 300 million young men and women in over 100 countries by 2015.
The summit was organized to identify, analyse and develop the project that is helping youth worldwide to create a successful future for themselves through advanced technological competences, the creation of new job opportunities and entrepreneurial options.
The summit was divided into three thematic areas, each with various sessions:
   Skills for 21st Century Jobs
   Computer Science for Education
   Entrepreneurship & Small Business
Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Lorenzo Dente, a student at Itis Galileo Ferraris in Naples, participated in the third panel with the successful experience of Project Meet non Neet.
Now, the challenge continues on a series of fronts with the awareness that various organisations have to improve their ability to share analyses and solutions. Among the ideas that emerged from the summit is that of a global campaign capable of bringing the three different thematic areas together, even at a local level.

One of the main available tools is the YouthSpark Hub that can be made more efficient based on partner information. 


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