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AFOL Training and Orientation

Formazione e orientamento con Afol

AFOL Training and Orientation

AFOL Training and Orientation

Agreement signed for the development of digital skills.

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has signed an operational agreement with AFOL Metropolitana, the special public-capital company for training and career guidance owned by the Metropolitan City of Milan and 71 other municipalities. Born from a gradual aggregation process of all the local AFOLs, the agency guarantees that citizens and businesses in the Milan area have a single public interlocutor on issues related to work and training.

The parties have agreed to collaborate to: 

  • Promote a culture of innovation through digital technology, helping citizens to become more competitive on the job market.
  • Create an ecosystem of hybrid alliances to challenge prevent and contrast unemployment, a crucial element for economic recovery.
  • Promote the training and permanence of women in the working world.
  • Promote the role of educational communities (schools, families, local actors), making them more inclusive and responsible.

Specific objectives include:

  • Promote and circulate innovative training programmes to orient citizens towards a 21st century knowledge society.
  • Promote training programmes for youth, women, unemployed, and citizens seeking requalification to increase fundamental digital and soft skills  to achieve success on a labour market in constant evolution, orienting them towards emerging careers.
  • Promote and circulate programmes through the AFOL Metropolitana service network, including its institutional and social channels.

The agreement, valid until December 2025, was signed by Directors General Tommaso Di Rino for AFOL and Mirta Michilli for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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