Active policies and resources for integration
Project P.A.R.I - Active Policies and Resources for Integration, which is based on the new FAMI Calls (2019-21), aims to create a new network of subjects sharing a systematic and multidimensional approach to integration to promote a culture of lifelong learning amongst migrants and the development of strategic competences (know how) to improve quality of life and local development.
- Contribute to the development of a new culture of integration by improving the regional network;
- Provide third country nationals in the region with a true understanding of the language, culture and society in Italy;
- Integrate basic linguistic support with experimental courses at various levels;
- Enhance courses with functional literacy tools and courses focusing on linguistic and cultural aspects;
- Promote access to educational services for targets in disadvantaged contexts;
- Test innovative solutions to increase educational success of targets.
- Regione Abruzzo (lead partner)
- CPIA L’Aquila
- CPIA Pescara-Chieti
- CPIA Provincia di Teramo
- Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Abruzzo Regional School Department
- Prefecture of L’Aquila
- Prefecture of Chieti
- Prefecture of Pescara
- Prefecture of Teramo
- Municipality of Pescara
- Municipality of Teramo
- Municipality of Fossacesia
- Municipality of L’Aquila
- Municipality of Roseto degli Abruzzi
- Municipality of Scoppito
- Municipality of Lentella
- Municipality of Cansano
- Municipality of Carunchio
- Municipality of Guardiagrele
- Project management, coordination and monitoring; administrative and accounting activities; auditing;
- Educational actions - (a) Introductory educational activities at 3 partner CPIAs and relative course hubs: development of modular courses based on welcome, orientation and evaluation activities, as well as A1 and A2-level Italian courses; (b) Specific educational activities at 3 partner CPIAs and relative course hubs: development of experimental educational modules for primary Italian literacy (Alpha and pre-A1 levels) and more advanced levels (B1);
- Complementary Services: services promoting access, participation and flexibility; local courses for participants in remote areas; linguistic and cultural mediation courses; local orientation and information courses; information and awareness-raising courses; services for local and virtual activities; services promoting disadvantaged categories; distance training courses for independent learning; services for civic and linguistic education;
- Support and enhancement services: consolidation of governance processes and the development of local networks; Didactic improvement courses for teachers and operators; shared social research;
- Communication and dissemination activities: communication, digital storytelling and final event.
Expected Results
- 900 third country nationals enrolled in language courses, including 600 beneficiaries of complementary services;
- 83 courses (alpha, pre-A1, A1, A2 and B1 levels): 25 level A1, 25 level A2, 10 level pre-A1, 20 level B1, and 3 level alpha;
- 4 proximity courses in remote areas;
- 7880 hours of educational courses for foreign citizens
- No less than 650 third country nationals successfully complete courses;
- 50 teachers on professional updating courses.