Together towards the medicine of the future. Fifth edition
How can we make people more aware of the value of major innovations in the world of healthcare? How can artificial intelligence support doctors with regard to the medicine of the future? How can we raise awareness of some important diseases, using language that young people can relate to?
These are the new challenges of Fattore J, in its renewed commitment with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine Italia to make young people aware of the value of scientific progress for the health, well-being and quality of life of all, making them fully responsible for their own choices, with a One Health perspective.
The aim of the initiative, now in its fifth year, is to create a real educational ecosystem on the topic of health based on a strong social commitment, focusing on the importance of prevention, therapeutic innovation and equal access to treatment for all patients, key issues for people's well-being and for the development of our country as a whole.
- Local events
- Let's discover the excellence of our country: various awareness-raising meetings aimed at young people are being held in person at the main hospitals and university polyclinics in the regions of Lombardy, Lazio, Emilia Romagna and Campania to discover case histories and innovative applications of health research. The first appointment, on the occasion of the launch event of the new edition, is on 3 December 2024 at the National Cancer Institute in Milan.
- Schools interested in participating with their classes can register here
- The project community
- On one side the students, their families and teachers, on the other J&J employees, patient associations and large healthcare institutions, with new collaborations. Work continues alongside patient associations, in particular with Progetto Itaca, Walce Onlus and AIL on the topics at the centre of the new edition, in the areas of onco-haematology and mental health.
- Volunteering with expertise: J&J experts guide students in the Milan and Latina offices on a journey of discovery of the drug.
- Health Bot. Second edition of the creative contest to design and prototype robotic and artificial intelligence solutions for healthcare. Teams of high school students present their prototypes to a jury of experts at the Rome Cup 2025 (University of Rome 3, 7-9 May 2025).
- Schools can nominate students by filling out the online form.
The topics of Fattore J are in harmony with the ‘existential challenge’ that Mario Draghi mentioned in his report on the future of Europe's competitiveness in September 2024. Health has (and will have) an increasingly crucial role in the well-being of citizens and the general growth of the country. Why not start from the choices our children make today to positively influence the conditions in which we will live tomorrow?
From September 2024 to June 2025
Civil society associations serving patients and their families
- Italian Association against Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma (AIL)
- Italian Pulmonary Hypertension Association (AIPI)
- Association of Rheumatic Sufferers of Piedmont (AMAR)
- National Association for Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (AMICI)
- National Association of Friends for the Skin (ANAP)
- Italian Psoriasis Association Friends of the Corazza Foundation (APIAFCO)
- Network of HIV-positive people (NPS Italy)
- Near Foundation
- Ithaca Project
- Salutequità
- Walce non-profit organisation
- Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM)
- Cittadinanzattiva
- Pro Foundation
- Palinuro Association
- National Association of People with Rheumatological and Rare Diseases (APMarr)
- Lila Milan
- Onda Foundation
Scientific partners
- Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI)
- VaccinarSì
- Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF)
- Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP)
- Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD)
Results achieved to date
- 30,000 young people trained and 300,000 young people reached by communication campaigns
- About 200 schools involved
- 18 patient associations and civil society organisations
- 3 academic partners (Campus Bio Medico University of Rome, University of Siena, Polytechnic University of Milan)
- 5 institutional partners (SITI, SIF, Vaccinarsi, IG – IBD Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, SIP - Italian Society of Psychiatry)
- Creation of the series ‘I'll take care of you’ with ‘The health stories of UCBM doctors’
- Creation of a Manifesto of Health written collaboratively by the students Development of communication campaigns (video and social media), a creative contest and a docu-video
The four editions in brief
- School year 2020-21 ‘Empathy, respect and inclusion’: the project was conceived as the first curriculum of the Italian school to educate young people to develop emotional intelligence, respect and empathy towards people who are experiencing serious hardship or are suffering from illness. The onset of the health emergency transformed online collaboration platforms into a tool for recognising and expressing emotions, acknowledging one's own or others' state of distress and finding the best way to ask for help.
- School year 2021-22 ‘In the hands of science’: the aim is to raise awareness of the importance of correct scientific information and the choice of responsible behaviour for the well-being and health of all.
- School year 2022-23 ‘More trust, more health, more future’: with this project we have entered even more deeply into the heart of healthcare, to discover together the circular nature of health with a One Health approach.
- School year 2023-2024 ‘A learning ecosystem for health and well-being’: the objective is to create a real educational ecosystem on the topic of health based on a strong social commitment, focussing on the importance of prevention, therapeutic innovation and equal access to treatment for all patients, key issues for people's well-being and for the development of our entire country.
To participate