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Working for Inclusion

Maria Vittoria Casada Giunta

Working for Inclusion

Working for Inclusion

Maria Vittoria’s digital civil service experience

For six months, eight volunteers from the digital civil service have been collaborating with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale through the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies (Assifero).

Over the course of the year, young volunteers work on digital education and tutoring at the Rome Città Educativa and throughout the city. Activities include tutoring, territorial animation, organizational management, communication, and dissemination of initiatives and services. This is an inspiring and meaningful journey with a positive impact on all of our initiatives. And it is a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth both for the volunteers and for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale staff who support them. In particular, the volunteers are followed by Cecilia Stajano, Community Coordinator at Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Ilaria Graziano, Project Manager, as local project operators.

To help you discover their stories and aspirations more closely, we are resuming our interviews with operators who share the experiences and motivations that pushed them into this adventure and the prospects for the future. The interviews are conducted Onelia Onorati.

Today, we introduce you to  Maria Vittoria Casada Giunta, known as “Mavi,” a twenty-two-year-old from Pisa who currently lives in Sassari and is studying Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome.

What made you choose to become a digital civil service volunteer and what do you expect?

The decision to engage as a volunteer in the digital civil service arose from the integration project promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale aiming to promote digital skills in an inclusive way. I expect to improve my digital skills and use them to contribute to the project.

What are you enjoying most about your commitment with FMD?

What I appreciate most is the commitment of each member working on projects to promote an inclusive society. This commitment takes shape in the integration of innovation, education, inclusion, and fundamental values, to ensure that the resulting benefits are accessible to everyone, without exception.

What impact do you think FMD can have on people?

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has a significant impact on people's lives, improving their outlook both in working and social contexts, enabling a better quality of life in digital society.

What do you think your contribution could be?

I contribute with innovative ideas and actively promoting projects.

What skills and knowledge will you field in this adventure with FMD and what skills do you expect to develop through this digital volunteering experience?

My current skills and those I intend to use include the ability to solve problems, work in a team, and contribute constructively to ongoing activities, as well as creativity. I expect to further develop my digital skills and hone a sharper critical sense in managing work.

What would you like to do in the future?

I would like to work in the mental health sector, in the field of gender identity and sex transitions.

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