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Working with artificial intelligence

Lavorare con l'intelligenza artificiale
Foto di Ketut Subiyanto

Working with artificial intelligence

Working with artificial intelligence

Today the first meeting of the ‘AI and jobs of the future’ course

Following last November's preparatory meeting at the Porta Futuro offices in Rome, today the first training webinar ‘AI and jobs of the future’, part of the Ital.IA Lab programme promoted with Microsoft and the Pathways for transversal skills and orientation proposed with Roma Capitale [see the news item Schools at Porta Futuro], gets underway.

Eight Roman schools have joined the original PCTO. Here are the ones with the names of the coordinating teachers:

  • Pirelli, Antonella Frattacci
  • Bottardi, Ada Iiannotti
  • Darwin, Roberta Luly
  • Labriola, Loredana Rosso
  • Magarotto, Mariapia Digirolamo and Annastella Donati
  • Democrito, Lorena Musotto
  • Plauto, Giuseppe Cintio
  • Virgilio, Marina Ciai (contact person) and Antonella Palombi (tutor)

The sessions are coordinated by Debora Cavallo and animated by trainer Elisa Chierchiello.
There are five modules of one and a half hours each

  1. Overview of generative artificial intelligence
  2. Applications of generative AI in finance
  3. AI applications in marketing
  4. AI applications in customer service
  5. AI and cinema

The course is designed to enable students to:

  • understand and know their way around a complex and fast-changing world
  • strengthen their mastery of specific disciplinary languages and find their way around artificial intelligence terminology
  • orient themselves to emerging professions
  • turn ideas into action to communicate, promote and create content

The calendar of the five webinars

  • Thursday 9 January 2025, 10-11.30 a.m.
  • Friday 17 January, 10-11.30 a.m.
  • Monday 27 January, 10-11.30 a.m.
  • Tuesday 11 February, 10-11.30 a.m.
  • Wednesday 26 February, 10-11.30 a.m.

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