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The presentation of the 6th International Conference ACM WomEncourage 2019 will be held tomorrow (September 10, 12:00 -noon) at Sapienza University of Rome (Sala del Senato Accademico). The conference focuses on women in ICT professions and aims to provide support for scholars, researchers and women at the beginning of their careers.
On Sept. 16-18, the Rome MAXXI Museum will host the conference with a rich programme of issues, activities and networking opportunities.
The 6th International Conference ACM WomEncourage 2019 has the patronage of the Regione Lazio and is sponsored by national and international enterprises and companies. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is a "Special Supporter."
Speakers (Press Conference)
- Eugenio Gaudio – Rector, Sapienza University of Rome
- Gian Paolo Manzella – Economic Development, Trade and Crafts, Start-Ups, “Lazio Creativo” and Innovation Councillor, Regione Lazio
- Giovanna Melandri – President, Fondazione Maxxi
- Tiziana Catarci, Director, “A. Ruberti” Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome and ACM womENcourage 2019 General Chair
- Paola Velardi, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome and ACM womENcourage 2019 Programme Chair.