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Wind energy


Wind energy

Wind energy


The school participates for the first time in the laboratory on renewable energy sources that is held at the Rome Città Educativa Robotics Center.
The students use the Lego Education Renewable Energy Kit with the help of Engineer Mohamed Gaber Haiba, to discover the full potential of Robotics applied to new energy forms.
In particular, the students will construct an Aeolic turbine to convert wind energy into electricity. They will learn to quantify a variety of different factors to determine its power, as well as programming and recording data.
The students will use the following materials:
   500 element+ robust construction system
   Battery box with a tri-polar switch
   1 medium motor
   1 solar panel
   An energy accumulator
   1 servomotor
   1 set of turbine blades
Laboratories are held every day, except for Wednesday until June 2014.
To book a laboratory, please contact:
Francesca Del Duca:

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