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What Type of Artificial Intelligence?

Quattro appuntamenti con Terziario Donna Milano
Foto di Tung Lam da Pixabay

What Type of Artificial Intelligence?

What Type of Artificial Intelligence?

Four appointments with Terziario Donna Milano

Terziario Donna Milano presents a new course on TD LEARN & GIVEBACK: What Type of AI, a digital education project developed with Ottavia Pittaluga, Sara Barni, Marilisa Del Vecchio and Alessandra Maggio. These experts will help female entrepreneurs to understand AI from various different points of view through a pragmatic and inclusive approach. 

Four appointments are scheduled for the course at the Sala Sommaruga di Palazzo Castiglioni  (Corso Venezia 47, Milan):

  • September 17, 14:00 – 16:30 | Introduction to the Metaverse and its potential for commerce | with Ottavia Pittaluga, Founder and CEO, Shopthelook 
  • October 17, 14:00 – 16:30 | E-commerce Scenarios in 2024: How to Survive Change | with Sara Barni, Head of E-commerce
  • November 21, 14:00 – 16:30 | Cybersecurity Awareness: The Key to a More Secure Digital Future | with Marilisa Del Vecchio, Information Security Expert  
  • December 12, 14:00 – 16:30 | Introduction to Generative AI for Business | with Alessandra Maggio, Digital Marketing Consultant, coach and professor of Digital Marketing 

However, it’s not only about learning … There also is Give Back! Thanks to our collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, participants in the free course will be able to view the CVs of women who have accepted the professional challenge of reskilling through FMD: A way for women to support other women.

Terziario Donna Milano brings together entrepreneurs and professionals enrolled in one of the associations constituting Confcommercio Milano, Lodi, Monza e Brianza. The Group was created to promote, represent, and strengthen the presence of women in Confcommercio and business in Milan, Lodi, Monza, and Brianza. Thanks to its representatives, Terziario Donna Milano is part of the regional coordination committee for “Terziario Donna Lombardia” and “Terziario Donna Confcommercio” at the national level.

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