We begin this new week by sharing a story that comes to us from the Brancaccio suburbs of Palermo. The story was covered by magazine Vita with an interview to Antonella Di Bartolo, who directs the Istituto Comprensivo Sperone-Pertini, one of the four main schools participating in Project OpenSpace: "What the Sperone Murals Tell Us".
and cultural toolkit to interpret the world and live healthily in any context, both physical and virtual. Moreover, our service projects will continue to improve the digital, functional and soft skills of participants: Ambizione Italia for Youth and School of Internet for Everyone. The project promoted by TIM as part of the national Operation Digital Risorgimento Programme will organised 14 courses for over 300 citizens.
Amongst this week’s events there also is the first challenge organised by Project Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100, launched by the Economic Development and Labour Department of the City of Rome: How to Promote “Made in Rome” and “Made in Italy” abroad? [see news: Civic Challenge].
We would like to once again mention two research projects that require the help of parents and students. We invite all students to collaborate in an international research project on risky behaviour on-line [see news: Announcement for Students]. Parents, instead, are invited to participate in the study to orient the new generations towards jobs without stereotypes [see news: Announcement for Parents].
Also, as we approach the end of the month, we wish to remind you that deadline for project submission and candidatures to the International Global Junior Challenge dedicated to Tullio De Mauro has been extended to July 31.
12.07 3:30-4:30 | Geometry and Coding: from Polygons to Mandalas | CS First | Coach Paola Ianni | Registration Form
14.7 4:30-5:30 | Science with Scratch | CS First | Coach Federico DI Giacomo | Registration Form
15.07 11:00-12:00 | CodyTrip: Programming a Trip | CS First | Coach Alessandro Bogliolo | Registration Form
14.07 7:00-8:30 pm | How to Safeguard Minors On-line: Cyberbullying and Safe Surfing | OpenSPACE | Bari10 Scout Group | Coach Astrid D'Eredità
scheduling underway
scheduling underway
ALL: unemployed, Neet, workers etc.
12.07 4:00-5:30 | Multimedia Communications | Intermediate Course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Teams Live Event
14.07 4:00-5:30 | Multimedia Communications | Intermediate Course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Teams Live Event
15.07 11:30-1:00 | Intermediate Digital Marketing Course | with Porta Futuro, City of Bari | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Astrid d'Eredità | Registration Form
15.07 9:30-11:00 | Advanced Web Design Course | with Porta Futuro, City of Bari | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Mohamed Fadiga
scheduling underway