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We Need Cyber-007s

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We Need Cyber-007s

We Need Cyber-007s

Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity Webinar

The National Security Information System continues to select individuals with the best skills to safeguard Italy’s political, military, economic, scientific, and industrial interests. In particular, June 30 was the deadline for a call for young professionals with the following competences: algorithms for cryptoanalysis, photo interpretation of satellite imagery, and machine learning techniques for biometric recognition. Nonetheless, interested parties can continue to present their candidature through the on-line Work with Us section. 

The most in demand profiles incudes analysts (geopolitical, terrorism, and subversion), economists (golden power, green economy, and energy transition), speakers of rare languages and local dialects, cybersecurity and drone technicians, and information retrieval experts. Active collaboration is also underway with the best national universities for these profiles.

The urgency with which authorities are looking for these new professional figures emerges clearly in the annual report published by the Agency that was transmitted to Parliament a few weeks ago. The report indicates that there is a “a marked increase in malicious activity addressing critical infrastructure and government sectors.” And this phenomenon has become even more critical with the war in Ukraine. Italy is “one of the countries most involved in the generalized diffusion of malware and aimed cyberattacks, especially against the health and energy sectors.” [Cresce minaccia cyber, boom attacchi con guerra Ucraina, ANSA, June 19, 2023].

From malware to phishing, from ransomware to compromised e-mail accounts, in 2022, the National Cybersecurity Agency faced 1094 cyberattacks, of which 126 were classified as “incidents” that had an ascertained impact on the victim.

Some of these issues will be addressed during the webinar that will be held on Thursday, July 13, from 17:00 to 18:30, as part of Programme Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity

Giulia D’Andrea, a young criminal lawyer specialising in cybercrime, will host the job talk on “Cybercrime: A Threat that is Changing the World … and the Working World”. The session will be introduced by Carlo Mauceli, National Digital Officer for Microsoft Italy.

An opportunity not to miss if you are interested in professions related to security, without overlooking the fact that technical skills are only a part of the required competences, which also include “reliability and security, a strong sense of responsibility and interest in national security, as well as proven confidentiality.”

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