We met the tight Aurat Team in the showcase area of the del Global Junior Challenge thanks to its finalist project “Add a Robot to the Table.”
“The idea started out as a school project: a show of robots for the Robocup competition. Then we thought: why not take them to a paediatric hospital and other environments in which children need to smile? The show is based on eight construction yard vehicles (carne, cement truck, bulldozers and diggers) that set a table accompanied by music,” explain the students at IIS Cipriano Facchinetti in Castellanza (Varese).
AURAT (the acronym for “Add a Robot to the Table” in Italian) is a team of ten students who love robotics and have create a volunteer organisation. They decided to transform robotics into a therapeutic activity for children.
“Our strength is our creativity and innovation. Aurat is a source of inspiration and fun for those who want to those who want to experience living in a fantastic, robotic world that is extraordinarily real.”
Now, the team is ready for a new challenge. They will participate in their first RomeCup 2016 (March 16-18) and in the Educational Robotics Olympics, promoted by MIUR in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. They will compete in the Dance category with an “ethic” show inspired by Asimov’s robotic laws. They will also be present in the showcase area.
In the interview with Fiammetta Castagnini, Davide Anfuso explains the surprises that they are preparing with the help of Professor Loris Pagani.
In the video, Prof Loris Pagani explains what innovation in school is through project “Add a Robot to the Table.”