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“Volare” Robotics Style

“Volare” Robotics Style

“Volare” Robotics Style

At the World Robotics Championship that just ended in China, the performance by the Democrito Dance Team, which was inspired by flight and the myth of Icarus, highlighted Italian excellence, including Leonardo da Vinci, on the notes of the famous song “Volare” as well as music by Ennio Morricone.


“The audience broke into applause when they witnessed the three Nova robots perform cartwheels - or the splits in the final. It’s an important recognition of the great technical work that underlies this performance,” explains Headmaster Paola Bisegna from Liceo Democrito in Roma on the pages of her school’s website.


The Headmaster also includes a series of links to relive the students’ pride in reaching the final three times. The Democrito Dance Team is manned by Christian Conti, Filippo Marcodini, Leonardo Pasanisi and Sofia Viviano and coached by Prof Donatella Falciai.


Let’s relive the performance that earned the team the finals:


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