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Visual thinking


Visual thinking

Visual thinking
On Saturday June 14 and Sunday June 15, Open Hub experts Marco Serra and Marco Contini will host two training sessions based on the strategic education with the Canvas Method and Visual Language at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Each session will last eight hours, including a two-hour laboratory. Each class will welcome 8-10 students and will be conducted informally. Hard skills, including open methodologies from the Business Model Canvas and the Event Model Canvas, will be taught via gamification. The objective of the workshops is to consolidate the community interested in institutional and associative innovation, in the exchange of knowledge and enterprise start-ups.
Teachers: Marco Serra, Patrizia Cinti, Elvira Zollerano, Valentino Catricalà.
Tutors: Marianna Famiglietti, Cristina La Penna
Programme: Saturday June 14 10:30 am – 18:30 pm
THE BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS: a simple and efficient tool to imagine, project and renew start-ups, enterprises and associations.
   Introduction to Canvas
   EMOTION: PERCEIVING VALUE (the right side of Canvas) / Identifying classes of clients/users - Segments / Developing value for each target - Value Proposition / Choosing the relationship and communicating with clients - Customer Relationships and Channels
   LOGIC: CREATING VALUE (the left side of Canvas) / Planning activities from macro to micro - Key Activities / Planning the use of resources - Key Resources / We are not alone - Key Partners
   Clients and remunerating perceived value. The flow of profit.
   The creation of value and the use of available resources. The structure of costs.
   Examples on how to use Canvas
   Canvas Project
   Canvas and Conception
   Canvas and Activity Diagnosis
   Creation of a joint Business Model
   Assisted lab in the creation of a Project/Start-up/Association Canvas (supported work groups) 
   Plenary assessment of works 
   Reflections on the tree of critical points and solutions in the practices applied by BMD.
Programme: Sunday June 15 10:30 am – 18:30 pm
EVENT MODEL CANVAS: a method adopted for designing and managing events to communicate business concepts, ideas and activities.
Why organize an event? (Business, public sector, third sector)
   Key elements in an event: space, time, people. The promise.
   Concentric targets: who can participate, who would like to participate, who would go nuts to participate … and who will participate!
   PAINS AND GAINS. An event means sacrificing time: in exchange for what?
   Event Design. Organizing a DREAM TEAM in the Age of 2.0
   Fear, frustration, obstacles vs. dreams, serendipity and advantages.
   The Event Customer Journey – a minute by minute journey
   How much does the event cost? Cost structure (and sacrifices)
   What do we earn? Profit flow (including non-monetary profit).
Afternoon (workgroups)
   Simulation of an artistic/entertainment event via EMC
   Simulation of a promotional event via EMC
   Simulation of an educational/informational event via EMC
   Assisted individual work: creating an event to promote enterprises, association or institutional activities
   Sharing the tree of critical issues and advantages
For further information:


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