2 min.
Italy’s most virtuous use of European funds certainly lies in the integration sector. The last issue of the EIF Newsletter (n.3. 2014) reports on the favourable comments Italy received from the European Commission for successfully completing 143 projects to promote the integration and living conditions of third country nationals that arrived in Europe legally.
The data is contained in the final report section on the 2010 Annual Programme: Italy spent 89.4% of its European Integration Funds for Third Country Nationals.
Based on these results, the European Commission “encourages [Italy] to pursue this fruitful programming in the future and undertake all the actions necessary to increase the high EIF penetration in Italy.”
The Fund aims to help member states of the European Union improve their ability to devise, implement, monitor and evaluate integration strategies, policies and measures for third country nationals. Moreover, other objectives include the exchange of information and good practices and cooperation to allow legal immigrants to grow more integrated in their host society.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale devotes particular attention to social planning in Europe with aimed actions for those citizens at greatest risk of exclusion, such as immigrants.
The following projects have been implemented with EIF Funds: