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Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100

Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100

Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100

Binario F, the new Facebook facility dedicated to the development of digital competences, will host “Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100,” a training programme created in collaboration by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italy.


The programme entails 46 sessions, until February 2019, to help women, migrants, over-65s, students and companies to acquire the strategic competences for full citizenship, including digital citizenship. Quality education must help introduce a “continuous exchange” of competences and knowledge to accelerate the digital transformation of our country.


On Monday, October 29, at 6 pm, Binario F will hold a “happy hour” to present the programme  [register on EventBrite].


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is one of the partners of Binario F, the new Facebook Italy facility hosted at the Rome Termini Railway Station by the LVenture Group Hub and LUISS EnLabs, dedicated to the development of digital competences.


After the success of the #SheMeansBusiness Programme, which has allowed over 3700 women to learn about how to use social networks to drive their businesses, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italy renew their commitment to lifelong learning for thousands of individuals with soft skills and digital know-how.


Programme “Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100” will be held by Fondazione Mondo Digitale coaches at Binario F three days a week until February 2019. The programme, which includes transversal and inclusive actions for women, migrants, over-65s, students and companies, spans from digital literacy labs for beginners to coding courses to interest women in scientific subjects.


Learning throughout one’s life and in all contexts is feasible; especially with the help of young tutors acting as mediators to present new technology. The intercultural and intergenerational learning model developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale transforms students into digital coaches who “adopt” elders and migrants and teach them how to use computers, tablets and smartphones, as well as the use of social networks. The objective is to accelerate their inclusion and integration into society.


The didactic activities organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale also include training sessions on social networks, from workshops for professionals and companies to training sessions to introduce hundreds of women entrepreneurs to the use of Facebook and Instagram.


“Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100” is also a way to educate a new community, including individuals who are interested in the future and the new trends on the labour market and in society. The community will participate in hackathons and jam sessions to identify innovative solutions to active participation in Rome. I twill meet both on- and off-line, through monthly “happy hours” and the “Digitali. Da 01 a 100” Facebook Group.


“We want to bring our experience on innovative and inclusive didactic activities based on the use of digital technology and the development of life skills and civic and social values to Binario F. This is where we must start educating citizens of all ages, who must become resilient and ready for the challenges of the future,” explains Mirta MichilliDirector General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


“We are delighted to continue collaborating with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale even at Binario F. Programme “Vagone FMD. Da 0 a 100” has been conceived for young men and women looking for jobs, women, migrants and elders. It perfectly adheres to Facebook’s values of aperture and inclusion and the spirit of Binario F,” declared Laura Bononcini, Head of Public Policy, Facebook Italy. “This new facility, which is open to the community, will allow us to extend digital competences to all those who need to improve their professional profile and improve their attractivity to the labour market, as well as growing personally to integrate into a continuously evolving society.”


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