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At the US Embassy


At the US Embassy

At the US Embassy



Today, Tuesday, October 14, the promoters and protagonists of Coding Girls Rome-USA will meet the press at the US Embassy in Rome (Young Room, Sembler Palace, entrance on via Sallustiana 49).
Speakers include:
   Elizabeth M. McKay, Office of Public Affairs Embassy of the United States
   Alessandra Cattoi, School, Infancy, Youth and Equal Opportunities Councillor, Roma Capitale
   Marta Leonori, Productive Activities Councillor, Roma Capitale
   Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy, University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
   Elizabeth Ivory Caudle, New York Program Manager, Girls Who Code
   Donatella Solda Kutzman, Ministry of Education, University and Research
   Alessandro Panconesi, Director of the Computer Science Department, Sapienza University
   Roberta Cocco, Social Responsibility Manager, Microsoft Italy
   Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale



As part of the Italian Presidency Semester  of the European Union Council and the European Code Week, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the American Embassy in Italy, in collaboration with the American Girls Who Code Association, promote Coding Girls Rome-USA. Coding Girls Rome-USA is a weeklong event (October 12-19) that will be entirely dedicated to young girls in primary and secondary schools, as well as young female university students and researchers.
The event is also supported by MIUR, Roma Capitale, the Sapienza University Department of Computer Science and Microsoft. The program includes programming courses for 400 girls, a hackathon, family coding at the Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym and much more
Photo gallery: first day of all female coding in schools


For further information: coaches and tutors (in Italian)


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