“How to improve the quality and experience of downtown shopping Rovigo thanks to new technology.” The City of Rovigo has launched the second Civic Challenge, after the one on Rome [see news: Made in Rome].
Local actors will engage in a debate to identify priorities and staregies to improve customer experience in downtown sales points, using digital tools and systems, such as on-line sales, proximity marketing and storytelling, and post-sales services. The objective is to support the local entrepreneurial system through the collaboration of commerce, services, craftsmanship, institutions and citizens to drive economic development and improve quality of life for everyone.
The initial part of the plenary session (10:30-11:20) will be streamed live on the Binario F Facebook Page from the Urban Digital Centre in Rovigo (Via Nicola Badaloni, 2).
The workgroups will meet between 11:30 and 1:00 at the Urban Digital Centre in Rovigo with trade union representatives and commerce, public agency, craftsmanship, tourism and food industry workers.
To participate in the workgroups, register on EventBrite.
The Civic Challenge is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia and developed for Binario F as part of Programme Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100. The Challenge involves six Italian municipalities with public and private agencies, third sector organisations and citizens on local co-design challenges to drive the post-pandemic recovery of the social and productive systems. The challenges launched by the local administrations provide an answer to local community holders through co-design sessions that aim to identify priorities, innovative ideas and drive civic participation.
Promoting Downtown Shopping
City of Rovigo
Oct. 25, 2021, 10:30-1:00
Register: EventBrite
Live stream: Facebook Binario F
Part 1 | Communities at the Centre: Local Recovery
Moderator. Giovanni Cappellotto, e-commerce & retail consultant and web marketer
10:30 Smart & Heart City
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
10.35 Binario F for Community Development (not only on-line)
- Costanza Andreini, Public Policy Manager, Facebook Italia
10.40 Rovigo, City of Commerce
- Dina Merlo, Councillor for Productive Activities, City of Rovigo
10.50 Digital Tools for Urban Commerce
- Alexio Cassani, Co-Founder & CEO, Stentle
- Mikaela Bandini, Founder and Creative Director. BISC-OTTO - Gourmet Fortune Cookie
Part 2 | How to Promote Downtown Commerce in Rovigo with Digital Tools
11.20 Council representatives, trade associations, enterprises, start-ups and professionals address the challenge in work groups.
1.00 | Presentation of proposals and conclusions