Once again, at the end of the summer, StartupItalia!, the magazine on Italian start-ups and innovation, has updated its list of women who are changing Italy. These Unstoppable Women are "founders, managers, activists and researchers who distinguish themselves in their fields. They are enterprising, courageous, talented and hard workers who we believe can serve as an example to the many young women out there.”
This year’s updated list includes Mirta Michilli, the Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Annalisa De Luca, Corporate Strategy and Insights Lead Sports and Health, who is on the FMD board.
The objective is to reach beyond this list to involve all women in an extended community “that grows year after year thanks to meetings, workshops and the exchange of ideas.”
Unstoppable Women: Here are the 2021 Profiles
by Chiara Trombetta
StartupItalia!, August 25, 2021