Our virtual adventure continues amongst the schools participating in the special edition of Safer Internet Day, promoted by Microsoft and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with the Italian Postal Police.
Today, we travel to Trentino Alto Adige and the IIS Tambosi-Battisti School in Trento, where the class coordinated by Prof Valentina Pasqualino is focusing on cyber-bullying, as Arianna, a student, explains to Francesca Meini.
The class is euphoric and hard to manage, even for Prof Valentina, who is sorry about the background noise in the video. Well, it’s not noise! The students are brainstorming slogans, ideas and new strategies. At the end, they agreed on #Girati per aiutare, non girarti per scappare! (#Turn and Help, Not Turn and Run!) speaking directly to the victims: “Don’t give up, you’re not alone. Together we can defeat cyber-bullying. Remember, bullies hide behind a screen, but in reality he is no one!”
“Indeed, this is a perfect summary of the debate we had in class. They believe that bullies are only strong as long as people back them up, but in reality they are weak individuals with insecurity issues that often attack so to not be attacked themselves,” explains Prof Valentina to Ana Lain who coordinates the project at the national level.
“Bullying victims often tend to isolate themselves because they believe that the accusations they receive are founded, and this leads them not to seek the help of friends and family. This is why it is necessary to be brave and understand those small changes that can help them over time, like convincing them to speak with a teacher, family member or association that can help them both mentally and at the daily level.”
Their teacher also explains that on Sunday they saw a television special report (Presa diretta, Rai 3) on "unreleased bullying stories and experiences recounted by the parents of bullying and cyber-bullying victims, and the advice of experts, psychologists, students and parents.”
In the video: a small part of the work prepared by the class that has organized itself as a news desk. Sarmad Sohail, the host, interviews classmate Jenni in an incredibly joyful and serene atmosphere.
We would also like to remind all teachers working bullying and cyber-bullying issues of the Sonet-Bull Platform, which provides a rich trove of didactic material to understand the phenomenon and its causes, a forum and a network of actors developing collaborative strategies to contrast the phenomenon, especially at school.
Register on the platform and share your bullying stories and experiences to fuel the debate on this often overlook phenomenon.
For further information:
Annaleda Mazzucato
+39 3287478916
La piattaforma Sonet-Bull nasce per offrire a tutto lo staff della scuola e alle famiglie una risorsa ricca di materiali didattici per comprendere il fenomeno del bullismo e le sue cause, uno spazio di confronto sulle esperienze di bullismo tra i giovani, una rete di attori coinvolti nel fenomeno che renda possibile lo sviluppo di strategie collaborative di prevenzione e contrasto al bullismo, soprattutto in ambito scolastico.
Vi invitiamo a iscrivervi sulla piattaforma e condividere episodi e casi di bullismo per avviare il confronto su questo fenomeno di cui è difficile parlare.
Lo sviluppo della rete sulla piattaforma è accompagnato da un percorso di formazione rivolto allo staff della scuola, ai genitori, ai formatori e agli psicologi. Il prossimo incontro organizzato da Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaborazione con Psy+ Onlus si tiene sabato prossimo, 7 novembre presso, la Città educativa di Roma.
Per informazioni contattare
Annaleda Mazzucato
+39 3287478916
- See more at: http://www.mondodigitale.org/it/news/strategie-da-condividere#sthash.y9…