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Trusting Safe Technology

sicurezza, privacy e fiducia

Trusting Safe Technology

Trusting Safe Technology

The Trust aWare challenge in Tim Jacquemard’s reflection

The protection of privacy and digital security is growing increasingly important in our daily life. The lack of trust in the way that personal information is treated may have a negative impact on consumers and on the greater digital market of the European Union. Project Trust aWare promotes privacy, security, and trust in technological tools, but what does this really mean? To answer this question, Trilateral Research, a project partner, is conducting an ethical impact assessment (EIA) on the project. The objective is to optimize the positive ethical impact of a technology or project, mapping information flows, identifying and evaluating challenges and opportunities, and providing a series of recommendations for the design, development and implementation of a system. EIAs help developers and final users to identify and face the ethical implementations associated with the development, implementation and use of technology.

These issues were recently addressed by researcher Tim Jacquemard at a conference on the Philosophy of Human - Technology Relations that was held at the University of  Copenaghen in July. A synthesis of this conference was published in Book of Abstracts with the title  Goldberg and Jacquemard: ’Ethics of Mediating Movement through Digital and Physical Borders’.

Moreover, in an article entitled "Security, privacy and trust in software – assessing the ethical impact of technology," available on the organisation’s blog, Tim Jacquemard focuses on the meaning of words such as securityprivacy and trust and their ethical value for Project Trust aWare.


 Tim Jacquemard
Tim Jacquemard


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