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True School is for Everyone

True School is for Everyone

True School is for Everyone

All students can reach levels of excellence if schools push for maximum inclusion (Tullio De Mauro). 


To learn more about projects in the showcase area and the programme of the Global Junior Challenge:


Many schools have already been notified and have booked, but just in case you have not been notified, here is the message that we have mailed out to all Italian schools, inviting everyone to participate in the ninth edition of the Global Junior Challenge, the international competition dedicated to Linguist Tullio De Mauro.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Global Junior Challenge, the celebration of innovative school, is back with the ninth edition. The 2019 edition is dedicated to Objective 4 of the Agenda 2030: quality education for everyone.


In order to achieve this, according to Professor emeritus Tullio De Mauro, "we must review our teaching methods, using digital tools correctly, soliciting collaborative work and networking the experiences of teachers and students to reach extraordinary results.”


To exchange views, reinforce our network of teachers working for inclusion and innovation, to share good educational practices and to give a voice to all the protagonists of schools, we invite you to the Global Junior Challenge that will be held on Dec. 11-12 at the Civic Zoology Museum (Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 18) and Biblioteche di Roma (Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16).



You can register for any activity.


Class Visits to Showcase Area

Dec. 11 9 am – 4 pm | Dec. 12 9 am – 1 pm

Schools, teachers and associations showcase their projects




Opening Talk for Teachers

Dec. 11, 10:00 – 12:00

Opening Talk on “Schools, Overall Growth and the Challenge for the City of Rome”

Interactive plenary session




CAnVASS+ Labs for Secondary School Teachers

Dec. 12, 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Lab presenting new tools and methodologies with which to innovate traditional didactic activities with digital tools.



Per scoprire i progetti in esposizione e il programma del Global Junior Challenge

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