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Training On-line


Training On-line

Training On-line
The first webinar was a great success. It brought together 29 teachers from 10 Italian regions.
Following a welcome by Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the teachers began work on the life education methodology (#Edu4Life).
The virtual classroom employs the Moodlelearning environment (password-protected) that will soon be fully integrated with the platform, in order to create a single phyrtual environment for exchanging information and experiences.
The next webinar, which will also involve teachers participating in Projects Active Ageing and Solidarity Amongst Generations through Learning and Social Innovation and Meet No Neet, is scheduled for September 12 from 4:00 to 6:30 pm.
All the material, including registration for the webinar, are available on-line.
   The Life Education Programme  [PowerPoint Presentation]


The Life Education Methodology developed by Alfonso Molina, integrates codified knowledge, competences and values in line with the most recent ideas on learning and teaching. It redefines the pillars of education for character development (reliability, respect, honesty, compassion and citizenship) and the five types of mind postulated by Howard Gardner (discipline, synthesis, creativity, respect, ethics), the first scholar who advanced the theory of multiple intelligences. Moreover, the methodology also integrates 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, intercultural relationships, efficient communication, digital skills, self-awareness, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit) with “phyrtuality” – the ability to integrate a physical (local) dimension with an (on-line) virtual one – into a single approach for thinking and strategic action, a competence that will become ever more valuable.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, Univesity and Research as a training agency for school personnel, so participation is counted as professional updating.



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