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Tomorrow’s Professions

Tomorrow’s Professions

Tomorrow’s Professions

A new intense week is about to kick off at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop to experiment tomorrow’s professions.


This week’s 80 protagonists, answered the Call4Youth selecting the All4All track that will allow each of them to explore the all the labs over the course of the week: Monday to Friday for a total of 22 hours (4 hours motivational course, 4 hours in each lab and 2 final re-evaluation hours). The students will attend a different lab every day to complete the “immersive” track in emerging digital market technology in the course of one week.


The four laboratories - Fab Lab, Game Lab, Immersive Lab and Video Lab – include a range of learning and teaching procedures (lectures, stand-up, engagement, interactive, training, learn by doing) and a specific training course to improve self-learning skills. Moreover, the track also includes a “practical guide” to implement an individual job search project.


This week, activities at the Officina will be managed by designer Mauro Del Santo (Fab Lab); experts from the Italian Videogame Association (Game Lab); immersive experience designer Domenico Zungri (Immersive Lab), and professionals from Animatika (Video Lab).


The coaches and tutors have a successful professional profile, accredited by prizes and awards, and top didactic skills. [see Who Are the Coaches?]

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