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Together for Cameroon


Together for Cameroon

Together for Cameroon
Didactics, music, culture and sociality are the tools that the Roman school has decided to deploy for a party that will be held at the school in via Torre Annunziata 11-13 on Saturday 26 February from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
The aim of the party is to raise funds for the Anya Lewoh school in Cameroon with which the Liceo ScientificoTullio Levi Civita is twinned as part of the cooperation project Digital Bridge. A Technological Bridge with Cameroon. The project is coordinated by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the local support of LATS and 14 schools (7 in Rome and 7 in Fontem, Cameroon).  
Recently, the Roman school donated a photovoltaic plant to the school in Cameroon that had won it from Acea for the Chiare, fresche, dolci acque...competition. However, this is just the last step in a scholastic process including inter-disciplinary lessons and videoconferences that greatly enriched all the participants.
Now, after didactics and infrastructures, it’s time for a bit of healthy and intelligent fun to help students at Anya Lewoh.
The party will feature various activities held throughout the school. These include: classic, rock and acoustic concerts, food stalls manned by students and parents, projection rooms, laboratories and art exhibitions.
Fun and learning are guaranteed. The school headmaster Alberto Cataneo and teachers Antonella Donnini and Claudio Dore, together with the rest of the teachers and students at the school, have been making a passionate effort to help project Digital Bridge and their twinned school in Cameroon.

Programme of Fund Raising Activities [pdf]



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