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The Toaster Model

The Toaster Model

The Toaster Model

[...] "In the United States, we build sophisticated robots that can carry out a wide range of tasks. However, if we are working in a developing country, we have to reduce their complexity and create more of them. My model is a toaster. It accomplishes one task and is cheap enough for anyone to buy.” This stratagem has allowed Johnson to start collaborations with the University of Mexico, Botswana and Jamaica. “I have always wanted to develop technology that can also be used at home,” she explains satisfied. I only have one regret: “I have no family. My work commitment has driven me to sacrifice my private life. And, unfortunately, this is a price many women still have to pay.”


This interview by Rosita Rijtano was published on the new Health Section of daily La RepubblicaMichelle Jillian Johnson, who directs the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Prof. Johnson came to Rome to participate in RomeCup 2019 (April 2-5).


In a beautiful interview that perfectly captures the spirit of RomeCup and the vision of technology as a tool for inclusion, Prof. Johnson is perfectly in line with the founding values of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


Che emozione aiutare John dopo l'ictus (in Italian)

by Rosita Rijtano

La Repubblica, May 14, 2019

Read the article [PDF]

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