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On Tuesday October 9, 17 grandparents, followed by students and coordinating teacher Maria Mascheretti, returned to school for the European The Knowledge VolunteersProject.
The two-year project, financed by the European Commission Grundvig Programme and designed and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with 6 European countries, promotes active ageing with the intergenerational learning model and peer education.
During the course of 2012, nearly 1000 elders learned how to use a PC thanks to the young knowledge volunteers.
In 2013, 500 new grandparents in Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Greece and Romania will attend these courses.
Thanks to the new network dedicated to the project on Phyrtual.org, teachers, students, experts and trainers, can meet, share experiences, didactic material, photos and other information on active citizenship, active ageing, digital literacy, volunteering experiences and Grandparents on the Internet.
For further information and resources: