Today, guided by the voices of the designers during a phone call, we ventured into the Robotics Lab at the Liceo Francesco Severi in Salerno. There, young men and women are finalising the various prototypes that will compete in RomeCup 2016 (March 16-18, 2016), coordinated by Prof Lucia Mazzeo.
Francesco and his teammates Antonio and Celeste explain Project Ultron, a rescue robot that will participate in a simulated emergency rescue to save those in danger. The Ultron Robot was constructed with a Lego Robotics Mindstorms EV3 Kit and was programmed with the EV3 block language software.
Blue Herorobot is another rescue robot, but as Demetrio and his teammates Paolo and Simone explain, it has completely different characteristics. Blue Herobot was projected, built and programmed from scratch with a 3D Power Wasp Evo printer, an Arduino chipset and the Arduino Ide programming software. In fact, the robot behaviour on the playing field still needs to be perfected …
Antonella introduced us to the world of dance. Together with her teammates, Milena and Antonio, Antonella is working feverishly to complete the scenario that harks back to the great balls of the nineteenth century. A gentleman conceals the robot powered by four motors and three sensors: two for light and one for ultrasounds. A skilled waltz dancer who is enchanted by two beautiful ladies …