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A Strategy for the Country

A Strategy for the Country

A Strategy for the Country

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 16, the Investing, Accelerating, Growing – An Extraordinary Plan for Digital Services event will be held in Rome. The conference is organised by Confindustria Digitale in partnership with the Luiss Business School.


Confindustria Digitale will present its proposals for an extraordinary plan of investments to drive the acceleration of the country’s digital transformation.


Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate in the works.


Investing, Accelerating, Growing – An Extraordinary Plan for Digital Services

Rome, July 16, 2019, 9:30 am

Luiss BS, Villa Blanc

Via Nomentana 216

Programme | Registration 



Confindustria Digitale 06 45417541 |
Luiss Business School 06 85222335 |

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