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Strategies for Improvement

Strategies for Improvement



The deadline for becoming a Social Agent for Active Ageing, which was initially set for November 10, has been extended to November 21.
Twenty agents will be selected to participate in Project ACTing, which is financed by the European Commission. The training is free and all agents will participate in the final competition to become Best European Social Agent.



ACTing – Active Ageing through Information & Communication Technologies will train social agents to work in the field of active ageing and help over-sixties acquire digital skills.
The European project is coordinated by Fundetec (Spain) in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Italy), Association for Life Long Learning in Rural Areas (Romania), Fundacion Esplai (Spain) and ICVolunteers (Switzerland). The project is implemented as part of the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme (Multi-lateral Innovation Transfer Projects) that is financed by the European Commission (National Spanish Agency for Lifelong Learning).
invecchiamento attivo
Experts will employ the “capacity building” methodology will train 20 social agents to become social and digital inclusion facilitators for elders. Training will also take place both through on-line modules and at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym managed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The final Awards Ceremony will be held in Geneva with all the project partners. The initiative, which began last September, will last through September 2015.
Registration is open to all those who already work with elders as well as to all those who wish to learn how to become facilitators for active ageing.
To participate please send the following information by November 21 to
   Name and Last Name
   Contacts (cell phone, e-mail)
   Experience with over-sixties (if already working in this sector)

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