Public does not always mean state-run. Even private organisations supply a public service if they provide essential tools for collectivity. And what is more important than the common good of knowledge? This is why the Fondazione Mondo Digitale has always provided a public service, because if we are not only careful about the needs of everyone, but also of all those with special needs in fragile categories.
How can we best portray what we do, working in so many different sectors from digital literacy to youth enterprise?
Sometimes we seek great experts to help us: journalists from RAI, the Italian Radio and Television Network, the Italian information and communication service par excellence.
Last week, for example, the round table at the CSFirst Day was moderated by Paola Guarnieri, the host of the "Tutti in Classe" Show on Radio1 Rai. Who better than her could help us explain how a quality school is also the most inclusive type of school?
Last April, Giorgio Pacifici, a scientific journalist for Rai TG2, moderated the RomeCup2018 International Conference and Round Table with great passion and enthusiasm.
We mention these two cases to also thank the many other professionals who have shared their competences and professional qualities with us, over the years, communicating our events from the inside, like Matteo Parlato and Celia Regina Guimaraes.