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Spontaneous Candidatures

Job Digital Lab con Omar Casati

Spontaneous Candidatures

Spontaneous Candidatures

Job Digital Lab: how to look for employment. Session with Omar Casati

Looking for work should not only mean checking out job offers. Often, in fact, spontaneous candidatures can have great outcomes, especially if they are integrated with project proposals. The education session scheduled for today as part of Job Digital Lab will address the process of spontaneous candidature, tools and potential impact.

The session will be held by Valentina Guerrera, Communications & Marketing Consultant. Omar Casati, Test Chapter Lead & IT Area Lead at ING Italia will also participate.

Jan. 21, 5-6 pm

Work: Seek or Propose?

[Area 1: Tools for Employment]

Role Modelling Webinar by ING Italia


Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action is a free programme developed with ING Italia to improve digital skills and discover new occupations and emerging professional profiles.


To participate, please register on the educational distance learning platform and complete the questionnaire.

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