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SPID and Health Register

SPID and Health Register

SPID and Health Register

Youth helping out elders and the fragile is one of the objectives of the "Con il fascicolo sanitario si può" service-learning project promoted by the Communications Office of the Taranto ASL (Health Servie) in colLaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and network that includes the Crispiano Council and the "Elsa Morante" Hotel Management School. In fact, it will be the school students who, as digital natives, will help adult immigrants to understand how to access public administration websites and use their digital health register.”


This is how daily L'edicola del Sud presents this project involving local young men and women. Starting today, Monday, March 15, the City Hall of Crispiano will host 41 students from the Elsa Morante Hotel Management School, three days a week, with a help desk and registration service.


From the Press Review


Students in Crispiano Provide Digital Help (in Italian)

L'Edicola del Sud, March 11, 2022

Read the article (pdf)


Student Tutors Explain the SPID and Digital Health Register (in Italian)

Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia, Taranto edition, March 11, 2022

Read the article (pdf)



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