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The South We Like

The South We Like

The South We Like

"Enough with this rhetoric that the South lags behind the resto of the country!" This is how Angelo Gino Varrati, a Microsoft Student Partner and one of the coaches for Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools begins his description of the day.


"The day started with a skype call from a special guest. MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) Undersecretary Salvatore Giuliano (and school principal) showed his colleagues the technology used by the school to hold didactic activities and, even though it’s only my opinion, I must admit that the results are evident.”


"The Ambizione Italia experience at IIS Ettore Majorana by the Brindisi Hub has revealed not only advanced and inclusive teaching techniques, but also an excellent preparation and exceptional interest in the topics addressed by students and teachers.”


Read the article (in Italian):

#AmbizioneItalia tra Microsoft e Fondazione Mondo Digitale: il sud che piace!


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